A Witch's Rosary

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Inspired by the Way of the Rose, I have started to say a rosary to the Goddess every day. My prayers are based on the Catholic prayers, because that is what I am familiar with. You are welcome to use them, or even better, write your own prayers to use!

If you are interested in joining my weekly Way of the Rose circle, please click here.

A picture of my beads:

How to pray the Rosary

First of all, as with everything else I put on this site, the final say on how you do anything is up to you. I only try to provide what would have been helpful to me, when I was seeking. If the outline below doesn't appeal, feel free to seek out something else! If it does appeal though, this is what I do:

I may complete a full rosary of 15 decades, or I may stop at one loop of only 5 decades. It depends on how I'm feeling and how much time I have. I may also include other prayers, depending on what I'm praying for. There are no hard and fast rules here, just devotion.

Rosary Prayers

Beloved Kyria

Beloved Kyria,
who have suffered in a way I cannot understand that You might come to me,
I offer You my hand;
Lead my soul into the garden of the Rosary,
That I may rest among the mystic roses of Your love.

Prayer of Eternity

Blessed is the Light of the Mother
Blessed is the Love of the Daughter
Blessed is Their completion is the wholeness of the Absolute
And blessed is Eternity.

Silver Star

Silver star of the waters
That have laughed all the world into being,
Beyond all knowing is the splendor of Your light.
Enfold my spirit in Your mighty hand,
That the pure stream of Your force may flow within me
In this world and in all the worlds to come.

Earth Mother

Earth Mother, full of life,
The Light is with thee.
Blessed art thou, embodiment of our planet,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
Holy Mother, pray for Your children,
Now and at the hour of our deaths.

Heavenly Parent

Heavenly Parent, full of stars,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy queendom come, thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

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